Social media is an essential practice to enhance interaction between brands and customers. Do you know what is even greater about it? The juicy insights! And yes, Facebook is absolutely the pioneer of this trend. The big brother helps us to make those social engagements worth our time and effort by drilling down to the richest insights. As a result, we do, we learn and we have better targeting strategies. Now, you know what you didn’t know and you can do what you couldn’t do! Simply, Facebook Audience Insights allow you to learn more about your potential customers. For example, you will be able to explore their demographics (age and gender, relationship status, and job roles), their interests (lifestyle) and behaviors (product and service preferences, buying behavior, etc.). If these are what you are longing for, keep scrolling down because you are about to get the best out of Facebook! This is where your first click should be: Choose your wanted type of audience insights: This should be your first sight of the interface: Fill in your desired audience details on the left sidebar: … and start exploring! With your selected audiences, this section will show: Activity only shows data for the last 30 days. This data is the median number of your selected audience actions, which include the frequency of: … and the types of devices your selected audiences use: Let’s list out cool things about this Facebook’s function! With Facebook Audience Insights, YOU CAN: Now, you know what you didn’t know and you can do what you couldn’t do! A friendly reminder: Facebook Audience Insights only applicable for a minimum number of 1,000 audiences! If you are using Instagram for your business, you may also want to have a look at this article: Instagram Insights]. Get in touch with Xugar today! We are the leading SEO & social media agency in generating leads for small businesses.What Is Facebook Audience Insights?
How To Create Facebook Audience Insights?
What Audience Insights Can Facebook Provide?
What Is So Cool About Facebook Audience Insights?