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What To Expect in Your 1st Month of SEO

Xugar Blog
Sagar Sethi Entrepreneur
Sagar Sethi

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is a great way to secure your business having a consistent flow of quality leads. While SEO is a long term strategy, you should begin to see results after approximately the 3 month mark of your campaign. At this point you will notice your rankings increase and start producing some traction with quality leads to be converted into valuable paying customers!

But don’t be mistaken; your digital marketing agency should be doing plenty of work as soon as your campaign begins to create quality lead-generation foundations for your business.

The biggest thing that you should see happening in the first month is a lot of small changes on your website. This is part of On Page Optimisation. Things like headings, content, site speed, changes in general flow and the creation of new pages. It is paramount for this to be done properly as it is the foundation for your SEO campaign and increases the visibility of your website.

Website Analysis and Keyword Research

This is to kick off your entire SEO project.

You want to ensure that both yourself and your digital marketing agency knows where your business is at and where you want to go in the future! Knowing this is fundamental in assessing and setting achievable goals for your campaign. This determines the keywords you choose for your SEO to target.

Your keywords should be aligned with your business goals with a good Monthly Search Volume.

Click Here if you want to know more about How to Choose the Best Keywords!

Meta Titles and Descriptions

Meta Titles and Meta Descriptions are fundamental for your site and should be looked at right after your keywords are finalised. They are the Title and Descriptions displayed when people find your pages on Google.

Ensuring that your metas are unique and relevant for all your pages, and the keywords they target is fundamental.


New Pages

You should ensure that for every keyword you are targeting, you have a unique page of content.

You want to additionally ensure that all your pages have Google Analytics installed into them. This allows you to see how people are interacting with your site; each and every step they are taking, where they are coming from and where they are going.

Remember, never be afraid to follow up with your digital marketing agency on the progress of your SEO campaign! Click Here for 6 Important Questions to Ask Your SEO Agency!

SEO 101

Click Here to Discover More on our SEO 101 series!

Click Here for All the Latest SEO Updates!


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