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3 SEO & Growth Tips for Australian Businesses

Xugar Blog
Sagar Sethi Entrepreneur
Gagan Ghotra

Google Search & SEO (optimising to rank on Google) have been evolving forever, either it be continuously ranking updates shifting positions of URLs ranking on first page or introduction of new concepts around helpfulness of content. Just zooming out of Google and Search, the dominant way Australians are using to look for information & services is changing as well. Rise of Tiktok and other social media platforms & young Australians preferring to look for videos over searching on Google to fulfill their search needs. On top of this trend, AI is another beast which is evolving as well since introduction of ChatGPT back in Nov 2022 and now in the market there are many other similar AI powered chatbots which can answers questions just like ChatGPT. A survey even confirms that around 23% of Australians have or using ChatGPT on regular bases.

Though landscape of Australians looking for information is changing but still usage of Google in Australia is at all time high with millions of Aussies using it almost every hour of their day either it be to look for opening time of their nearest restaurant or researching about which running shoes they should be buying. Therefore value of being first on Google and showing up at top of search results means lot of brand visibility & potential customers.

There’s still a lot of opportunistic gaps which Australian businesses can strategically leverage to get more visibility on Google and out rank competitors.


Content is fundamental and most important component of any SEO strategy, since starting to work as a SEO specialist back in 2019. I have done numerous content audits finding out opportunities around what can be improved & what should a site write about to rank on Google.

From years of experience of putting together result driving content strategies for medium to enterprise size businesses my simple personal suggestion would be to focus on keyword researchsearch intentcomprehensivity of content.

Let me explain this further – Write content not only about some keywords or to rank for keywords rather write to satisfy specific intent of your potential customers. This may seem quite simple but doing it and that too at scale need hours of analysis and writing. But just to give a simple example if you as a business want to rank for keyword ‘buy shoes for gym’ it may be better to include things like how these gym shoes can also be used for running or during playing some sports. Similarly to rank for search query ‘buy shoes for running’ its better to include information around different use cases of it. Including these kind of specific pointer information in the content, not only make it easier to rank for specific keywords but also rank for some other relevant queries as well.

This is my general recommendation but there’s a lot more to Content than this because factors specific to business, what services you offer, where you offer it, how is your target audience and what’s their demographics. If you want me to specifically consider all these factors and help you specifically optimise content for your business website, feel free to reach out and fill this form – SEO content audit.


E-E-A-T stands for

  • Expertise: Content demonstrates the creator has in-depth knowledge or skill on the topic.
  • Experience: Content shows real-world experience with the topic (not just theoretical knowledge).
  • Authoritativeness: The content creator and the website itself are recognised as trustworthy sources.
  • Trustworthiness: The content and website are accurate, reliable, and secure for users.

E-E-A-T may seem like a really complex topic but actually its not. Simple and strategic things can be done to optimise for it and therefore rank over your competitors in Google search results page. But again those specific & strategic things vary from business to business.

Here’s how a ‘plumbing business based in Melbourne’ can optimise for E-E-A-T.

ExpertiseOn different webpages mention that you have been offering plumbing services in Melbourne for 5 or 10 years.
ExperienceShow examples of plumbing projects that you have done – preferably use images & videos.
AuthoritativenessHave design of website such that it sets you apart from being – just another plumbing business in Melbourne.
Rather have uniquely, visually appealing website design and over time people start to associate those design elements & say oh that's (business name) name.
TrustworthinessEncourage your customers to leave reviews on your Google Business Profile, highlight those on different pages of your website.

This example is specific to a service business, but what about an eCommerce business my recommendations to optimise for E-E-A-T are along the following lines but again its different according to different business.

Recommendation for Australian eCommerce businesses


  • Product Descriptions: Craft unique, detailed descriptions showcasing a deep understanding of your products.
  • Expert-Written Content: Publish articles, guides, and FAQs authored by experts in your niche to demonstrate knowledge.
  • Comparison Charts and Buying Guides: Provide in-house detailed comparisons and guides, helping customers make informed decisions.
  • Product Videos: Offer demonstrations and detailed breakdowns to visually explain the benefits of your products.


  • Case Studies and Customer Stories: Share testimonials and case studies highlighting successful problem-solving with your products.
  • “In the Wild” User Content: Encourage and showcase customer product usage on social media to demonstrate real-life applications.
  • Focus on Your Niche: Specialize in a product category to establish and showcase your experience effectively.


  • About Us Page: Create a detailed brand story, team showcase, and highlight industry recognition to build credibility.
  • Author Bios: Include clear bios for blog content authors, showing their credentials and experience.
  • Social Proof: Display reviews, testimonials, or press mentions to build trust with potential customers.
  • Backlinks: Earn links from reputable sites within your industry to enhance your site’s authority.


  • Contact Information: Make sure your physical address, phone number, and email are easily accessible.
  • Security: Invest in HTTPS and display security badges to assure customers their data is safe.
  • Return & Privacy Policies: Offer accessible and customer-friendly policies to build trust.
  • Customer Service: Provide stellar service with live chat, clear response times, and an accessible help center to ensure customer satisfaction.


In today’s fast-paced digital environment, video content has become an esential tool for engaging audiences, improving search rankings and spreading the word helping to strategically position brand in the market. With the increasing consumption of video content across various platforms – YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

Australian businesses need to leverage video marketing to stay competitive. Videos not only help in retaining viewer attention but also enhance the user experience by providing informative and engaging content in a digestible format.

Video creation strategies for Australian Businesses

  • Create Diverse Video Content: From how-to guides and product reviews to behind-the-scenes looks and customer testimonials, varied video content can cater to different stages of the customer journey.
  • Optimise for Search Engines: Use keyword-rich titles, descriptions, and tags to improve your videos’ visibility on search engines and within platforms.
  • Engage and Educate: Focus on creating content that adds value to your audience, addressing their questions, and offering solutions to their problems.
  • Promote Across Channels: Share your video content on your website, social media platforms, and email newsletters to reach a wider audience.


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