Must-Haves in a landing page cannot be missed when the key focus is conversions and gain more acquisitions. However, the first thing is to understand is the basics of a landing page. End of the day, the landing page is created to get the attention of your clients and get them to ‘convert’ or send you an enquiry. There are a lot of factors that can help you create a high converting landing page. However, our team has listed the top 3 must-haves in a landing page to make your life easier. Furthermore, we encourage that you clarify the ‘purpose’ of your landing page before you even start planning. In turn, this exercise will give you direction all the way through. The idea is to make it work. We look at the quality and not quantity. It is always good to look at a lot of exposure and traffic. However, if the page is effective, your response rate will be high. Obviously, the page has to meet all the web design guidelines. Too much information will get the users to bounce off the page. It is important the page is engaging and has low bounce rates. This will ensure the visitors get what they are looking for and chose to take an action. It is important that the visitors find what they are looking for. The visitors also need to be channeled clearly. This means that the website should help them get to a conclusion. Too many links and options will confuse the users. This might again cause them to leave the website. From start to finish, the visitors should have a clear flow without too many distractions. This ensures the customers are clear from the time they land on the page. When creating your content and your CTA (Call To Action) items, it is important to give control to the visitors. It is more important to wrap the information well enough to present the opportunity as a suggestion. The moment you start pushing your visitors, they will feel threatened and feel repulsive. [Read More: 6 Stages of a New Web Design] It’s simple. When you create a website, you might as well create it as targeted as possible. This means that from inception, you are clear about the goal that you want to achieve from the page or website. From there, you can progressively develop and evolve your strategy. If this article helped you, feel free to contact us for a detailed discussion about your business online.1. Keep It Simple & Effective
2. Control The Flow
3. Present, Don’t Push
Why 3 Must-Haves in A Landing Page