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5 Tips on how to improve Google PageRank for your website

Xugar Blog
Sagar Sethi Entrepreneur
Sagar Sethi

Rankings in Google changes every hour. Getting a good PageRank in Google will help you to ensure that your rankings aren’t affected by the continual changes that Google brings into their algorithm. Optimizing the website requires a delicacy and it must be performed carefully to avoid other adversities like a penalty from Google. Here are a few tips on how to improve Google PageRank for your website.

Tip 1: Optimise your site first

Website Optimisation is a must when you are trying to hit better rank. If the website doesn’t load up properly, or in time, you’re going to lose your visitors. There are a few things that you need to take care of while optimising your website.

  • Decrease the page load time

If your page loads slow, most chances are that they’re going to load website for other company who provides the same service. The study says that the ideal load speed for your site should be less than 1.5 seconds. However, It is good enough to have a load speed below 2 seconds.

But if your page load time is more than that, it is recommended to put a loader sign or display any other information so that the visitors know the site is loading.

  • Implement Site Minification & Gzip compression

Reducing the load time helps to reduce the load time and make the user experience better. Google’s been considering the User Experience (UX) as a major ranking signal since 2015 for mobile devices. There’re tools like Pingdom, Google PageInsights that’ll help you to know about the page load time and how you can minify the resources in the website.

[Read More: SEO On-page Optimisation Tips]

Tip 2: Write Great Content for Your Site

You can improve Google PageRank for your website only if you have enough content to back up your target niche. Before starting to write SEO friendly content for your website, keep the following things in your mind.

  • Your keyword gives a subject to your page

Use the keyword that you’re targeting as the main subject of the page. Using multiple keywords on the same page will make the subject unclear and might affect the rankings in Google. To improve Google PageRank for your website, you need to start writing quality content that targets one keyword for one page. If each page on your website does well individually, Viola! You’ll start seeing your PageRank going up.

Just keep in mind that you don’t spam your keyword phrases just to get more clicks. Avoid click-baiting or excessive use of keywords.


  • Write a structure of your post

Once you’ve selected the keyword, make a research on what you’re going to write. Google for what your competitors are doing to get better ranks. Once you’ve done that, follow the same technique that they’re doing. You don’t have to be the best but just overrun them by a single quality score.

A good article should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

  • Shorten your paragraph

Avoid writing longer paragraphs in your article. Do not include more than 300 words in each paragraph. The shorter your paragraph, the easier it is for visitors to go through your article.

Tip 3: Pay proper attention to Links

Make sure that you have a healthy number of links in your article. According to Kissmetrics, use anchor links as the main source of internal links rather than using the image links.

The main motive of internal linking is to boost the SEO score and improve Google PageRank for your website. Avoid linking to the top-level pages like Homepage. Instead, link to your existing articles or inner pages to strengthen the entire website.

Moz’s Rand Fishkin says that external linking doesn’t harm your website ranking, however, it helps you to build positive correlation as well.

Having good and healthy anchor links to other external websites will make your website more valuable and both the user and Google will love the way you are providing the resources to them. On top of the cherry, there’s an equal chance of getting some link in from those external links you’ve provided.

[Get Latest Updates: SEO]

Tip 4: Optimize your Content

If you have written your content following the techniques mentioned above, you might have already made a few necessary content optimizations. It’s time for you to further optimize it so that Search Engines like Google can better understand and display your article.

Make relevant title tags for your article. Having dodgy titles or clickbait titles will push away the possible clicks that you may get in your search result. An optimal title should have 60 characters.

Optimize your meta description to meet the requirement for Google. While writing a meta description, make sure you don’t exceed 160 characters or else your description will be truncated from the results.


The other things that you’ll have to keep in mind are making sure your content length is minimum 300 words. This is a must as it will help Google to better understand the content of the page. Furthermore, it’ll also increase the time spent by the visitors on the website.

If you are using plugins like Yoast, make sure all the signals are green so that you know you have fully optimized the site.

Tip 5: Build BackLinks

Building backlinks are one of the important factors that help to improve Google PageRank for your website. According to SemRush, there is a difference of 10,000 referring domains between the 1st and 10th position in the search result.


The referring domains or backlinks are one of the most important ranking factors in Google. Google audits both nofollow and follow links. However, the follow links will give you more of their PageRank juice as well.

[Learn More: SEO Service]

Bonus Tip: Flare it around

Once you are done writing an article, make sure you get it read by a few people. This helps you to find out if it is easy for them to understand the concept. After publishing the article, it’s time to flare the article around so that people get to read it and possibly share it around (I am counting on you). Share it on social platforms like Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter and see the booming visitors to your website.

These are my top 5 tips on how to Improve Google PageRank for your website. Besides that, you can see how to boost your domain authority so that your website is ranked better.


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